Atlantic Sonata

  Atlantic Sonata  
Sheet music file
2.00 USD
PDF, 192.3 Kb (8 p.)


CompositorCanary Burton
EditoraCanary Burton
Gênero Clássico / Sonata
Instrumentação Piano
Composição paraSolo
Tipo de composiçãoFor a single performer
chave Mi (E) bemol maior
movimento(s) 1 para 1 de 3
duração 13'11"
dificuldade Difficult
Ano de composição 1992
descripção I've been told this wasn't a sonata, but here in this century we can do anything we want, right? Three movements, development in 1st and 3rd movements. Whatever was invented in the 3rd movement was forshadowed in the 1st. Same goes the other way around. The middle section is the very first piece of music I wrote while sitting at the table rather than hammering it out at the piano. I think it's the best part of the piece and I suggest it be played twice.

a fabulous pianist and composer opened up my world when he said I didn't have to be able to play the music, I had to write it and let him play it, he could play anything. He's a Boston Conservatory now. John Zielinski. You can hear him on the sound sample
data de postagem 28 jun 2012


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