archives full

16 окт 2012 Новости

I am so pleased to have corrected and bound all my scores and put them in a Archive for women composers/musicians in Italy and an archive I have at the Wellfleet Library. I have my own ISBN number!

Recently I've put several more compositions here in musicaneo. I am pleased to note that my work is being downloaded steadily. I have one solo work and just about to put in another one for viola.



Michael Mauldin
18 окт 2012
Hi Canary. I'm glad to make contact again. Been a while. I happy to hear you're in a productive period. For us composers, that's about the best natural high there is.

I just joined musicaneo. Don't have 30 scores up yet like you do, but I'm gradually adding them.

All best wishes.
Canary Burton
17 окт 2012
It's the next day and I'm putting scores here as they come off my "pen". I broke 30 and for me, that's great. So many years only writing one piece of music. Such dry years. At this point I'm going great guns, more like a piece per month. I love it that I'm getting more requests during this time.

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